Top Employers in Hollywood

If you were to guess the company that would be the top employer in Hollywood I’m pretty sure that the first companies that would come to mind would be all related to the entertainment industry. If you take a look at the official list of the top employers in Hollywood you wouldn’t be that wrong since a huge percentage on the top 20 list do belong in the entertainment industry. You’ll be surprised though to find out that the number one spot actual belongs to the health care industry. Other industries that seem to be thriving in Hollywood include the tourism industry (hotels) and retail companies (Home Depot and Farmers Market). So if you do want to move to Tinseltown but are pretty reluctant since you do not have any aspirations to be a part of the entertainment industry, whether as a writer or actor, you can brush your fears away as long as you have career aspirations related to health care and tourist industry. Oh, this also applies to you if you are business savvy.