Marriage, the last of the seemingly surviving sacred institutions just got sold for a paltry 1.5 Crore last week. The quoted amount also included the value and self-integrity of two individuals (in and out of Page3), in addition to the professional and moral ethics carefully built over the last three decades, in short, their lifetimes.
Picture this.
A canny marketing whiz, representing a Cosmetic Company on the verge of a comeback (duh?comeback?), zeroes in on a couple who have built up their professional and personal environments and who would not mind a little more publicity, and convinces them to proclaim to the world, one fine morning, that "Yes ,we are separating because of 'irreconcilable differences'..( I so love that term).
He manages to convince them, that this is all in the greater good of the cosmetic-loving general public, who would 'love to see you undergoing through this period of difficult time and emerging stronger by love at the end of it, which is so in tune with the corporate theme of the Cosmetics Relaunch affair.
And then of course, there is the organic cultured, environment friendly Carrot on the stick - 1.5 Crore !
And so the very next day, every single media company worth its microphone and intellectually questionable PYT claws into this breaking news with malicious glee.
'Malaika Khan and Arbaaz Khan reportedly heading for a divorce.'
And before you said ,face cream, every single 'expert' and fledgling papparazzi wanted a piece of the action.
'Discussion Experts' on prime time TV dissected celebrity marriages and the 'demanding toll it took on individual careers' and a tonne load of blah-blah, whether you liked it or not, were so affectionately served to you, courtesy your favourite TV channel.
And all the while, our canny ad-wizards and their team shared conspiratorial smiles and feedback with the Cosmetic Comeback Czars.
And then, one evening, the same TV channels and portals are caught with their collective foot-in-their -mouths when they realize that all of this was part of a publicity stunt for the launch of a range of NEW COSMETIC PRODUCTS of a leading Cosmetic Company.
No body looks handsome with a dunce-cap over their heads, you see.
Or caught with their commonsense-pants down in full National glare.
And so the same PYT's this time does a furious turn around, lick their wounds and go all cylinders blasting on the 'wretchedness' of it all.
While the couple, laughs away the 'triviality' of it all, and promises to exchange vows once again for the sake of love that has kept them together for the past decade.
And later during the next day, the full import of their actions for the past week strike the Star Couple, and they are at their apologetic best, repenting again, in the media.
They are profusely apologizing for the heartbreak and pain it caused to all their relatives, and loved ones. How all of this was not explained to them by the spokesman of the company before all hell broke loose. Though they hasten to add that the 1.5 Crore got in the bargain never hurt, but the reactions of their umpteen fans have left them devastated(duh!).
Agreed, everyone is looking for their 15 minutes of fame these days, more so in Tinselville, but is that all there is to Life?
Do they really think that someone is actually going to walk up to that tired and bored face in the Cosmetics Section of her friendly neighborhood Supermarket and ask 'Hey, do you have that Malaika divorce thingy
lip gloss?'
Words fail me.
Do we need to lay everything thats worth the above-average curiosity factor, on the line to sell a product?
Isn't anything sacred at all?
This is an excerpt from an interview Malaika Arora gave to a leading National Daily on the eve of being a Judge for a dance-based reality show. "I'm very comfortable with the home medium. I don't think about a big or small medium. For me the important thing is to do things that don't interfere with my son's upbringing. To catch him smiling and playing when we go to our farm in Panvel is far more important than anything I do professionally."
Please try remembering that when the next Cosmetic Company comes a-calling.
Surely, it is unique to have a set of parents who would keep their marriage on the chopping block for a lipstick and face-cream company. He hardly would have anyone in his age to match up to that. That is a tall order, he knows.