After the celebrated donkey that rode into History's Golden Pages with Jesus (remember that unassuming, unwilling participant along with Jesus into Jerusalem?), here is another one that has taken the Indian Tinsel World by storm..or grrr..or slurppp..whichever way you want it.
Till around May 13th, the current "canine superstar" was quietly leading his canine life, content with his existence in this sleepy hilltop hamlet, till this much revered and mischievous actor called Aamir Khan came to spend some 'quality' time along with his family,and took away whatever peace and quiet he had in his passive, content canine life.
It wasn't his fault that he has a general liking to people (after all, he is wired that way by Nature, whether he likes it or not.), neither did he have any say at his christening ceremony(if he had one, you see).
If he had a choice, (looking at the existing scenario then), he would have never allowed his Master to name him Shah Rukh Khan, I'm sure. Not because of anything else, maybe he must have had another personal favorite in mind.
So Aamir Khan's Housekeeper has a dog named Shah Rukh Khan, and he has taken quite a fancy to this gentleman who has come to stay at his place. And Aamir, being what he is, with the impish streak and the mischievous strain, goes ahead and puts in words about the charming place that he has to unwind, and well... about this uber friendly dog called Shah Rukh Khan, on his blog.
And concern suddenly took a Canine face! The media, happy beyond comparison with getting a new stick to beat around for the week ahead, was more than willing to keep this 'issue' on life support till a new one came in to fill the columns, but sadly it has fizzled out.
I cant still get to the bottom of this 'issue' at all, think as I might.
Was everyone so indignant about the very fact that there was a dog named Shah Rukh Khan?
Or is it the fact that Aamir Khan had the nerve to write about the reigning King in such 'shallow' language, denigrating him to the level of a canine, with 'suspected' sarcasm?
Is our media so starved of issues and topics of general discussion that it has to stoop to levels so low and threads so inconsequential to keep their content mills churning?
It was more like 'here, look here, people, look at the nerve of Aamir Khan to go out to the front and write about how "Shah Rukh Khan is licking his leg and smelling so badly that he needs a bath", uncaring and unmindful of the stature and market value of what the name represents. Isn't he to be condemned? Look how how he sits back, giving us that infuriatingly impish smile and maybe smirking about the passivity of the general public as a whole? How can we put up with this? Who knows he might even write in the future about a donkey that has come for a movie shoot named Amitabh Bachchan? Arise, people, react!'
If it was a below-the-belt tactic to increase eyeballs and page views of the cyberworld, where ever this was reported,I'm sure the educated public saw through it.
Or if it was the usual frantic look around for matters of general interest that seems woefully short by the reporting media channels, well, all I can say is 'My sympathies.'
And guess who has the last laugh, again.
Well, Aamir, of course.
The usual traffic to his personal blogsite has gone through the roof, post May 13th, 2008.
And guess what, there are two more poeple suddenly bitten by the Blog Bug.
The Big B has taken to the wordsmithy with a vengeance, and no marks for guessing who else is following suit.
So, its going to be AB's views, versus AK's views versus King Khans views on topics of National interest in the coming days.
Now, thats going to be a scorcher.
I'm sure this would come as a relief to a certain canine in a small hilltop hamlet.
And he can go about his unassuming, staid canine life in peace.