You know its never too late to learn ANYTHING.
And Big B is finding his new found vocation, a tad discomforting, you see! (For those who came in late after reacting to another blog, the Big B has started Blogging too!),
Not that there is any problem about one attacking the keyboard with a vengeance, ranting, raving, spewing fire and brimstone about everything that he/she feels has a direct effect on his / her life, on their personal cyber-battlefield called Blogs, but there is a small, yet 'BIG' difference.
This happens to be Amitabh Bachchan ji reacting.
Yes, at last, he is doing that.
For the Patriarch of the Biggest Movie Industry, this side of the Mississippi, this surely seem something out of place.
As a Constant Movie Fan, along with a Billion others (give or take a few hundred), yours truly has been witness to this Phenomenon, this Living Legend, keep his dignity intact with his distinguished silence (at times, even when it was worth reacting too), while all around him, his peers and the rising starlets got busy dueling with sound bytes, which they hoped would push them a notch higher in the starry Totem Pole.
AB didn't need it, because, he is ..well..AB!
And public memory being what it is, one wouldn't even remember the last time Amitabh Bachchan Ji even reacted to a personal barb, aimed publicly, in full National Glare, for all of us to see.
Even, when the famed "Leader", who thinks he owns this great Nation's Patriotism went rabid, frothing and fuming, AB did what he did best, under these circumstances.
He kept his distinguished silence!
There was a huge majority, who wished the Living Legend would reply to it, but he refused to dignify that screaming with a reply, mostly because, it never needed one, in the first place.
So, for someone who has perfected this amazing feat of being dignified and discreet, (raised it into a fine art actually), it really comes as a surprise to be seen INTERACTING and REACTING in full public glare.
Starting with a fine morning on April the 17th, 2008.
That morning Big B started off with his tentative steps into the big, bad, mad world of Blogging.
And, just like everything he does, he's cruising before afternoon.
In pure B Style! Well, it certainly pays to have your adoring fan base a click away. To know about their views and reactions to your movies, honest and in-the-face, rather than the sickeningly sweet and syrupy version the media feeds you about the fate of it.
To know about their opinions on the events that directly or indirectly involve you, and to have it all, raw and direct, straight into your living room.
It certainly is a BIG step forward, Amitabh Bachchan Ji.
It would certainly take time for yours truly to get used to the fact that Our Living Legend is a mouse click away.
Because, a part of the Big B mystique was that impenetrable cloak of silence, that dignified shroud with which you protected yourself from all the worthless darts that came your way.
In a way, that Silence was your best form of Reaction.
And now, I can always log in to that corner adda and suddenly transport myself across that couch with you, in your living room.
Knowing that a Breathing, Speaking AB is just a keyboard away.
But there are some nagging splinters, that just refuse to go someplace else.
One hears hushed rumours of a 100 Crore remuneration for this sudden decision to open up to the adoring millions, and more hushed rumors about how its all in the 'political family'.
There are snide snatches of how this is being wielded as a weapon to poke, barb, stun and maybe dip all those that come against your way in your 'distinguished sarcasm.'
For all those who have pledged their life to the Cyber Life, you would be amazed at the smirks floating around.
About how the coming days is going to be pure War, on issues that have a common say for the Industry.
Fan bases attacking each other at their Movie God's personal sites.
Because, regardless of the honesty and forthrightness that come through an original post, it may not be always what the 'politically correct' media would want you to react in that situation.
And the muck would start piling up higher and higher.
And then, it would be impossible not to react, for everything.
And apologise for your views.
Or maybe apologise for not being deemed worthwhile to apologise.
And that would make it commonplace.
Which I wouldn't want.
To have that Distinguished Silence degenerate into a two-bit turf war.
That's for Others.
Not for the LIVING LEGEND, we have always come to love and adore.