ISLAMABAD: There is no conflict among the two major parties of the coalition government on the procedure of restoration of the judges and the committee, formed in this regard, is considering three options.
The first meeting of the new committee was held on Saturday evening in the Ministry of Law while the second meeting will be held today at the Punjab House.
This is expected that the committee in its meeting tomorrow would take a decision in this regard according to its mandate.
This has to decide in the committee’s mandate about the number of the judges after the inclusion of the judges under PCO and determine the procedure of their employment.
There is also the number of the judges before the committee and therefore it is being discussed to send back the judges who were brought from high courts.
Besides, it is being discussed whether to issue an ordinance for retaining the PCO judges, or adopt an Act of the Parliament or retaining them as ad-hoc judges.
However, signatures of President Pervez Musharraf are necessary in all these three options. There is the president’s role in the options of ordinance, Act of Parliament and retaining of the judges as ad-hoc on demand of the chief justice.
Both major parties of the coalition government have arranged their strategy in case of non-cooperation by the president.