I value Israel's unity: I think every country that is in constant war tends to come together.
I value our technological progress and I value the landscape. It may not be as beautiful as some places, but if your parents have fought and died for it, you respect it a lot.
I was in the army for five years, I was company commander. I served in Gaza before we pulled out, in the last war in Lebanon and in the West Bank.
I can't say I'm optimistic about the near future. I know it sounds bad, but I think we will be forced to engage in war before we find peace with the Palestinians.
We do need to live together - in two countries. I think my country's fate is dependent on the Palestinians' future.
We must help Palestinians develop their economy, so that they have something to lose from fighting us.
They must also accept that we are here to stay. Until that happens, we won't make progress.
I was born in Israel but my roots are in Yemen, all four of my grandparents came from there.