US Election 2008
Voter suppression?
This is fascinating - an effort by Clinton supporters, it is claimed, to suppress the vote in North Carolina.
I must say I have agreed in the past with those who say that if in November by some chance it is Clinton/McCain, most black people will turn out for their former favourite white family. But maybe not. It's yet another factor for the superdelegates to consider.
On the subject of Obama and Wright, possumpam raises the question of whether or not the Clinton tactics would be legal in the UK: surely they would be? They are using language that is perfectly legal.
Jaded Eagle wonders about Wright's motives - I do too. Would be fascinating to know. Looks to me to be a case of massive ego. A black friend points out - on the substance of his beliefs including the idea that AIDS was created by the US government - that millions of white Christians think that atheists are going to Hell: an equally cruel and divisive belief, and equally unsupported by scientific evidence.
I sympathise with Peacocj.
Adjonline raises the question of the truthiness of the whole Obama campaign: and the answer is of course that David Axelrod invented Matt Santos before he invented Barack Obama, or at least at the same time as he began his work on the (real life) candidate. Mike_D442 we did mention this before, but it's certainly worth repeating.
Finally the debate between Board Stupid and NoRashDecisions goes to the heart of our cultural divide! We (Brits) don't like politicians. You Americans want to like yours. The cynicism - as opposed to scepticism - of the British way is nothing to be proud of in my view.
On the subject of electability, secretRosa, I suppose the big question is whether the kids will actuallyvote. The oldies definitely will.
Noetus takes me to task for suggesting that Washington DC is peaceful. You make a reasonable point but I do think Brits tend to over-emphasise the violence of American society. Most of America - the middle bits as well! - is remarkably peaceful.