After a month of not-so-subtle suspense, the results of the long-awaited presidential elections were finally released.
The days that preceded the announcement were dark ones - broken limbs, burned huts, dead bodies and unofficial curfews were widely reported.
The people were cynical from the beginning.
Missing results, they said, meant the mother of all election riggings was underway.
At the Domboshawa Election Command Centre, Beatrice Nyamupinda, newly elected Zanu-PF MP for Goromonzi West, thought there was no need for a recount.
"For those of us who have been educated, this is just like going back to primary school. I won here and this recount is a waste of time."
And now we have gone from recounts to a re-run of the presidential poll, because Mr Mugabe secured 43.2% of the vote to Mr Tsvangirai's 47.8%.